Saturday, December 4, 2010

Current Threat Level

Homeland Security Advisory SystemCurrent Threat Level * The United States government's national threat level is Elevated, or Yellow. * For all domestic and international flights, the U.S. threat level is High, or Orange. See the Transportation Security Administration for up-to-date information on items permitted and prohibited on airlines.Recommended Activities * Everyone should establish an emergency preparedness kit and emergency plan for themselves and their family, and stay informed about what to do during an emergency. See more at Citizen Guidance on the Homeland Security Advisory System (PDF - 1 page, 132 KB) * All Americans should continue to be vigilant, take notice of their surroundings, and report suspicious items or activities to local authorities immediately.About the Homeland Security Advisory SystemHomeland Security Advisory SystemThe Homeland Security Advisory System is designed to guide our protective measures when specific information to a particular sector or geographic region is received. It combines threat information with vulnerability assessments and provides communications to public safety officials and the public. * Homeland Security Threat Advisories contain actionable information about an incident involving, or a threat targeting, critical national networks or infrastructures or key assets. * Homeland Security Information Bulletins communicate information of interest to the nation’s critical infrastructures that do not meet the timeliness, specificity, or significance thresholds of warning messages. * Color-coded Threat Level System is used to communicate with public safety officials and the public at-large through a threat-based, color-coded system so that protective measures can be implemented to reduce the likelihood or impact of an attack.This system was established in Homeland Security Presidential Directive 3.Download Plug-inSome of the links on this page require a plug-in to view them. Links to the plug-ins are available below.Click Here to Download Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

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